Intelligent Design (What should be taught in schools?)

by George Jelliss ⌂ @, Crewe, Friday, August 15, 2008, 22:38 (5741 days ago) @ dhw
edited by unknown, Friday, August 15, 2008, 22:47

dhw wrote: "I was amazed to read in Carl's posting that Americans have far better legal protection built into their educational system than we have here in the UK." - As I understand it in the USA religion cannot be taught in state schools, not even comparative religion. This means that people only know about the religion of their parents or their local area as a result of private or home schooling. - In the UK "Religious Education" is a subject in all schools as part of the national curriculum, and its purpose is to teach about all the major religions, and also humanism and atheism, with the purpose of maintaining social cohesion. - - So long as this does not become indoctrination, Humanists are generally in favour of it (RE), since it discourages religious separatism. Unfortunately government policy lately has been to encourage religious organisations to "sponsor" new academies, though it seems they now don't have to pay anything for the privilege. - Edit: I added the link to the National Curriculum page on RE in primary schools.

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