Intelligent Design (What should be taught in schools?)

by dhw, Tuesday, October 04, 2011, 15:35 (4596 days ago) @ Temi

TEMI: Gj on your comment. A quick browse through this thread showed no sign of a proper agnostic in sight. To so quickly brush off the strong arguments ID makes is to be like the typical evolutionist atheist. ID proponents could make the very same arguments that evolution is simply atheism pretending to be science (which is seemingly is at this point). A good listen to the site and especially to what agnostics and atheists interviewed there have to say, might be enlightening. 
Be agnostic pls and true skeptics pls-Welcome to the forum. Atheists tend to brand us agnostics as theists, while theists brand us as atheists. This is because whenever we discuss the relevant topics, we argue the case against their beliefs. However, on this forum we welcome contributors of all persuasions. This often leads to lively and informative discussions, even if the flip side is that many contributors come with fixed ideas, and go away again when they meet opposition. You have glanced at one of our earlier discussions (2008), which began when a retired teacher quite rightly pointed out that the terms "Intelligent Design" and "designer" have been corrupted by creationist and especially Christian associations. In the 3-4 years that have elapsed since then, the subject of design has always been at the forefront of our discussions. Our "resident" theist David constantly feeds us information that highlights the "irreducible complexity" of life, atheists insist that it's all explicable in terms of chance plus the laws of nature (including evolution), while I myself as "resident" agnostic remain unable to believe in chance (one up for design) and equally unable to believe in an eternal and universal intelligence (one down for design). One up + one down = 0, which denotes the degree of belief characteristic of the agnostic and what you call the "true sceptic" (British spelling)!
All non-believers are as welcome as all believers and disbelievers, if they are ... as David says ... "ready to have some polite and indepth discussions", so do please join in on any topic that interests you.

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