Intelligent Design (What should be taught in schools?)

by David Turell @, Tuesday, October 04, 2011, 02:08 (4596 days ago) @ Temi

Gj on your comment. A quick browse through this thread showed no sign of a proper agnostic in sight. To so quickly brush off the strong arguments ID makes is to be like the typical evolutionist atheist. ID proponents could make the very same arguments that evolution is simply atheism pretending to be science (which is seemingly is at this point). A good listen to the site and especially to what agnostics and atheists interviewed there have to say, might be enlightening. 
> Be agnostic pls and true skeptics pls-Whoa!! I have discussed and supported ID here many times. I have attended a conference with Dembski, Behe, Myers and others. I am an invited resident theist, a panentheist to be exact. An agnostic owns this website, there are at least two others commenting on it, and we have had atheists come and go. Your quick browse was much to quick. Hang around and dig in some more. We are always ready to have some polite and indepth discussions.

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