Abiogenesis (Origins)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Tuesday, August 02, 2011, 23:41 (4673 days ago) @ broken_cynic

dhw: Abiogenesis... a key element in atheism
> Er, no. Atheism is the lack of belief in gods. Nothing more.
> -A lack of belief in a intelligent creator presumes Abiogenesis. (Somewhere down the line, regardless of how far back you go, you either have to put your vote with one or the other. Unfortunately, there is no third option. Either life arose on its own, or it had help.-
> Science is ok with stating what is known and saying of the rest 'we don't know.' We make our hypotheses and test them out, but do not assume them to be true until they are well supported by evidence (see laws and eventually theories.)-This is all well and fantastic and probably completely understood within the scientific community. However, the scientific community is responsible for how they represent that data to the public. If they 'simply do not know' then they should say 'we simply do not know', or 'this is the only thing we can come up with other than god. We don't know if it is possible. We don't know how it works. We have never observed it, and we can't test it, and we can't do it ourselves.' -This is not what they DO, though. Instead, they present all of these hypotheses to the PUBLIC as if there is some factual basis for making the claim, just like the arguments for black holes, dark matter, life seeded by meteors, and multi-verses. When someone calls their hand on it, they generally revert back to the same line you just tossed out.

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