Abiogenesis (Origins)

by broken_cynic @, Saturday, August 13, 2011, 03:41 (4663 days ago) @ David Turell

You are simply raising the same issues we all have. We know many of the secrets of life today. No one knows how we got to this point. -Fair enough. Just making sure we're at least on the same page up to a point.-> Starting in a less complex fashion is a reasonable proposition, but it hasn't worked so far in the labs, starting in the mid-1950's.-No, it hasn't. That neither surprises, nor bothers me. We've been working on the problem for 60 years and while we may have the 'advantage' of intelligence, the original experiment was run on such an incomprehensibly massive scale (both time and numbers-wise) that 'advantage' is far outweighed. Brute force does have a certain, well... power. =)

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