Abiogenesis (Origins)

by dhw, Saturday, August 06, 2011, 10:56 (4670 days ago) @ David Turell

"Nobody has shown me god conjuring people out of mud, either. Creationists have their own problem of demonstrating origins, and they aren't even trying to puzzle it out — goddidit, they're done."[/i] -PZ Myers-DAVID: This paragraph of PZ is irrelevant also. But he has pointed out that life is here. And he is right, there are only two choices for 'how', natural chances or a miraculous happening. And another problem is that even if a brilliant scientist makes a form of life in his lab from inorganic matter, what has he really proven? Intelligent design can make life! And we won't even know if that's how it really happened.
My conclusion: the odds against chance are truly astronomical, approaching infinity. I respect your opinion that chance did it. But you have to respect my choice based on my knowledge of biochemisty and genetics that life appears to be a supernatural miracle.-I agree totally with your analysis of this article, but your conclusion has come as a surprise to me, and somewhat contradicts the point I made to broken_cynic (Kent) that not even the theists on this forum believe in "magic"! Intelligent design is a far cry from supernatural miracles, and I would have thought that the Universal Intelligence that you have so often referred to would create the mechanisms of life and evolution by using science rather than crying "Abracadabra!" But perhaps your understanding of these terms is different from mine.

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