Creation of Man (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Tuesday, January 08, 2013, 14:22 (4149 days ago) @ BBella

Bbella: I thought you might could either, fill in the blanks to redirect my thinking about the Ancient Alien theory, or admit that the Ancient Alien intervention theory is just as plausible as the God intervention theory. [open for anyone's comments] 
>'ve seen all of it. It uses Ian Tattersal, a highly respected paleontologist to set a respectable stage. It shows that the appearance of H. sapiens is due to a set of miraculous events: 1) creation of a universe; 2) origin of life; 3)evolution of a sentient biped from a mass of monkeys. Review: 1) is recently re-established forcefully by Vilenkin's math. 2) has a pan-spermia discussion, but it is used to raise the possibilty of alien astro-life elsewhere. The 2011 claim for bacteria in asteroids has been refuted, even though this 2012 You tube seems unaware of that. SETI has not gotten signals but that only covers 50 light years.-Conclusion: The universe was a creation, from or by? The origin of life appears to be miraculous. Inorganic matter to living matter is a giant step. Sentience is an unexpected outcome from chance mutation evolution.-Therefore, there are three possibilities: Agency as from God or alien intervention, or finally chance. I throw out chance completely, a defying logic. -As for aliens the group behind the You tube presentation don't appear very knowledgable: They state H. sapiens is only 50,000 years old. not true: more like 200,000 years. They recognize a flock of hominids, but don't discuss that that were four Homo species, with us surviving. That makes our evolution very special, and their monkey impregnation theory is either very shotgun or not as guided as they present. There are other errors not worth pursuing. -They don't recognize the scientifically indisputable points of the limitiations of space travel. The closest star is 4 light-years away. The closest big galaxy (Andromeda) is 2 billion light years away. Pretty solid theory states that life has to be only in big galaxies like ours. So we are limited to looking for alien life only in our galaxy. Arrivals are limited by the time necessary to get here. Travel at the speed of light involves only photons, not living matter. -To me the whole idea is fun to imagine, but pie in the sky or pie in your face. What kind of income do these folks make by inventing these theories?

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