Creation of Man (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Monday, January 14, 2013, 15:11 (4143 days ago) @ BBella

> bbela: But,just out of curiosity, could you suspend your logical mind for a moment and imagine this unlikely (in your mind) scenario, that say, in 5 or 10 years, give or take, scientist discover and prove that humans are a hybrid form of Hominids with an alien life form that has also been discovered (or arrived, or somehow became known). Could you look back thru time and see signs along the way of how this could be true with just what you know now? Of course, if this unlikely scenario did happen, it's still would not prove there is no UI, or that this too wasn't planned from the beginning. But, it is still a question in my mind that I would like to have erased if there truly was absolutely no possibility.-We have now reached the point where DNA can be studied from everything. It is the same code in all living matter, all organisms. As you know I believe in theistic evolution as a marvelous master coding system. It is so exact that we know of a race of humans, the Denesovans from the DNA taken from one finger bone! In other words, the comparisons between life forms, different species are very careful and tightly determined. We can tell for example that Neanderthals and H. sapiens interbred to some degree. We can trace the changes as we branched off from the common ancestor with the chimps. There is even a method to set up a past time table for approximate times when the splits happened. I know of no evidence of alien DNA appearing anywhere. And the major reason is, if God made life everywhere, it will have the same DNA. All the DNA on Earth is accounted for from the forms alive here. -The way an alien DNA could possibly look different is in base sequence totally out of line with what has been found. None so far, and I don't think it will be found.-I find the alien theories lots of fun, but a bit like Harry Potter, making lots of money for the authors. Jo Rawlings is a great author and honest, but the alien folks I view as frauds, certainly rich frauds at that.

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