Creation of Man (Introduction)

by BBella @, Friday, January 11, 2013, 08:49 (4146 days ago) @ David Turell

> > bbella: But, you haven't answered, to my mind, how the idea that a God intervened or created mankind is that much different than an older alien species doing the same thing? It still seems to me, the evidence lies more on the side of an older species doing the intervening rather than a god, since the sudden appearance of the humanoid seems highly suspect. If we could just as easily connect the dots of evolution for man as we could for animals we wouldn't even be having this conversation...and there probably wouldn't even be religions or a question of a god either.
> God and aliens are both equally possible, if you start with the conclusion that the origin of the universe, the origin of life, and the origin of the human brain are all miracle requiring the intervention of some mighty power. EXCEPT: aliens couldn't have started the universe. -I agree.->Nor could they have started life. -I agree.->The only alien theory point is that they stepped in and helped create humans. -I agree. And it remains a possibility in my own mind for these reasons: The point of fact is that humans suddenly appeared from what seemed like out of nowhere with qualities not found before they arrived. If humans evolved like all other things on this planet, there would not be a question about why the sudden arrival. But because we didn't evolve like everything else here, there had to be intervention, there had to be something or someone who intervened. Not to say other things or beings on our planet couldn't arrived the same way. But we are speaking of humans here.->So how do we answer the first two miracles? Not with aliens.-Again, I agree. The miraculous events of the universe evolving into being and life evolving into being is very hard to comprehend or explain, but it is what it is and we all know they both happened. But it does not discount the possibility that different kinds of beings may have evolved before we came to be somewhere else (or maybe even here, but they are either no long here, or have moved on - for the most part). -If humans didn't suddenly appeared, and we did not have the multitude of stories handed down and books written from most every civilization on every continent about Gods coming down from the stars/heavens, we would not even be having this conversation, most likely. And like with NDE's, millions of people have reported seeing and communicating with beings that are not from here (many are awake and not asleep). This may not be concrete evidence to your mind, but as I've written in the post on Afterlife, just because we haven't experienced it ourselves does not mean it hasn't been experienced by millions, if not billions of others. So I remain open to the possibility not because I believe it or have experienced anything to prove it to myself. But because I do not want to close my mind to anything that so many people have claimed they have experienced just because I do not have proof it is true myself.

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