Creation of Man (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Friday, January 11, 2013, 05:51 (4146 days ago) @ BBella

> bbella: But, you haven't answered, to my mind, how the idea that a God intervened or created mankind is that much different than an older alien species doing the same thing? It still seems to me, the evidence lies more on the side of an older species doing the intervening rather than a god, since the sudden appearance of the humanoid seems highly suspect. If we could just as easily connect the dots of evolution for man as we could for animals we wouldn't even be having this conversation...and there probably wouldn't even be religions or a question of a god either.-God and aliens are both equally possible, if you start with the conclusion that the origin of the universe, the origin of life, and the origin of the human brain are all miracle requiring the intervention of some mighty power. EXCEPT: aliens couldn't have started the universe. Nor could they have started life. The only alien theory point is that they stepped in and helped create humans. So how do we answer the first two miracles? Not with aliens.

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