Afterlife (Endings)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Wednesday, January 16, 2013, 07:36 (4123 days ago) @ BBella

In a meaningful afterlife, you think we would keep our main identity, meet up with our loved ones, and there would be lots of new places to see and things to do. But for eternity? Life without end? 
> It would actually be eternal life with many endings, if you [visit] spend lives in places that has endings, like earth. Going back to the base/heaven/the inbetween/etc, would be a joyous occasion each time, especially finding out, again, life is eternal and you really didn't just die (as many NDE'rs explain it). 
> >I would even go so far as to say that without endings, nothing would be of any value. Is there any sight, any place, any activity (apart from cricket of course), any food (apart from chocolate, of course), any drink, any music, any TV programme, anything at all including your own company that you can imagine living with without end, for ever and ever and ever. 
> No, there is nothing I can imagine having any value eternally (said with a mortal mind). But that is the very reason why I can imagine endless places created to visit with just as much variety, and if I like, as many endings as I would be willing to experience just to experience something new, as if I had never experienced it before. And I could experience the joy of the inbetween eternal time at the end of every ending (I think that's a bonus!). Of course, being here on Earth our minds would be limited in understanding of these kinds of things...that only makes sense because that is the very limitations written in the contract before we come here each time...duh! 
> --I often wondered why the need to create billions and billions of galaxies and stars, and only put life on one. What you two have discussed here was actually part of my own conclusion to that. Speaking from my perspective, if the original order was to go forth and fill the earth, subduing it, then that gives us a sort of mission, if you will: subduing nature(in the husbandry sense of taming and caring for it). With such a vast array of worlds, it would stand to reason that the same mission could been extended to include the universe, and perhaps would have, had it not been interrupted. -This might also be the solution to one of DHW's quandaries regarding the population of the planet after the resurrection. But then, it is only speculation. There is not any kind of evidence to support that other than the sheer vastness of creation. God is a purposeful entity, I can not envision Him creating such vastness for no reason, not when absolutely every particle that we have ever encountered is chocked full of purpose and direction. Nothing exists just to exist, at least not that I have ever heard tale of. Generally, it is a case of us not understanding the reason at the time.

What is the purpose of living? How about, 'to reduce needless suffering. It seems to me to be a worthy purpose.

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