Afterlife (Endings)

by BBella @, Thursday, January 24, 2013, 23:37 (4114 days ago) @ dhw

As regards NDEs, I'm not sure that every single one is pleasant ... David will know more than I do. And of course the majority of resuscitated patients don't have one anyway, which is a problem when we try to work out what's going on. -It's not surprising to me that not all NDE's are pleasant or that not all patients resuscitated have memory of the over there. Not all people remember their dreams, or are psychic, or have close encounters with aliens or UFO's either. There are a lot of things in the immaterial world that is subjective to perspective just like in the material world. Even in the material world, we may all agree on some things but there is much more that we do not agree on. Most everything is perspective (if not everything), as science is closer to understanding, and will one day have to admit. So, it seems to me, it is true for both the material and the immaterial planes of existence. ->But I find it surprising that some people want to stay in the "IBT", as if they no longer care about the people they are leaving behind. Perhaps someone should do a more detailed study of these patients ... their backgrounds and family relationships. Why do they no longer care about their loved ones on Earth? -I liken it to this: No matter how wonderful my life is here (and I do think it is wonderful) sometimes when I am dreaming and I am awakened from a good dream, I don't want to wake up - I want to stay in my dream. Sometimes those dreams have nothing to do with this life, in the sense that there is no one in it that is in my real life. I am unaware that I am even making a choice (of not wanting to go back to my family) by wanting to stay in my dream life. If that dream continued and never ended, would I even think of my family here? I don't know. But I think of the NDE's that experience this, is similar to what I experience in my IBT of waking and sleeping. They are moving from their life here into their life there. It isn't that you no longer care, or even will forget them, it's that you are moving back into your other identity, yet you aren't quite there yet. I would like to think that when you do finally make it fully into the other identity, you will remember everything. ->In your IBT they apparently won't forget them, so what would be the ideal for you: that we do care, or we don't care? And if we do care, how do you visualize relationships with, say, the 100 different partners and families we might have worked our way through in our last 100 incarnations (not to mention their own partners and families)?-I would like to think the reason a person can't imagine so many different lives and of being an eternal being with choices to incarnate here or there, is, for the most part, because we have limited capacity consciousness. Not because it is actually limited (because in some sense all consciousness is connected), but because the material brain is still evolving with the material world and so cannot imagine anything a part from the material world. So caring for others here on Earth (with limited consciousness) would be different than caring for others from the perspective of eternity (in light of the access to collective conscious).->Sorry if these questions seem silly, but as you'll have gathered, I do have a great deal of difficulty visualizing ANY kind of afterlife that makes sense.-I have a lot of respect for your questions and they have yet to ever seem silly. They are questions I would ask myself if I ever had time I appreciate them greatly! As I said, I enjoy indulging in "what if's" since no one knows for sure and everything and anything is possible! So why not choose what would bring me the most comfort (when it comes to the afterlife) instead of using someone's else's ideas or beliefs.

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