Afterlife (Endings)

by dhw, Sunday, January 27, 2013, 15:08 (4112 days ago) @ David Turell

dhw: This corresponds to some multiverse theories, with umpteen versions of ourselves existing elsewhere, and to the quantum phenomenon, with one thing being in two places at the same time. -DAVID: I know you are just 'supposing' but not so fast! All of the multiverse stuff or multiple selves is philosophic junk, no chance of being proven. 
"While Soler Gil and Alfonseca can't disprove the proposals of infinite repetition, they emphasize that the point of their critique is to show that the idea remains in the realm of philosophy, mythology, and sci-fi tales, not modern cosmology."-You party pooper, you! BBella is describing her ideal form of afterlife. I just slipped in the bit about multiverses and quantum to point out that her ideas were not far removed from other people's "scientific" speculations. It's a bit like folk who, after they have genuinely used science to prove the unlikelihood of chance creating life, go on to describe a creative and eternal intelligence that is within and without the universe: no chance of being proven or disproven, and the idea remains in the realm of philosophy, mythology, and sci-fi tales, not modern science.

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