Afterlife (Endings)

by BBella @, Thursday, February 07, 2013, 22:08 (4100 days ago) @ dhw

BBella and I are discussing her ideal form of afterlife, the nature of the soul (if it exists) and of identity...For the sake of brevity, I shan't reproduce all that you wrote, but will try to summarize it, and then you can correct me if I've got it wrong.-So far so good!-> I'd be interested in how your ideal version would tackle the question of choice. Again with my limited vision, I can't imagine that a past me chose to be the present me. That almost smacks of predestination. Wouldn't there have to be a degree of unpredictability involved? -Yes, no doubt, there would have to be unpredictability as that would be one of the main perks for coming here! But would also be why we don't leave home (IBT) without our trusty subconscious at our side (our Tonto to our Lone Ranger). -On choice: I've imagined that the IBT is a place of being, full of wonderful, exciting, everlasting choices. One reason I call it the IBT is because it's our home base in-between each experience. Earth is only one choice of many places to experience. With every place we choose to visit they could have different ways to experience them. -So, being within the warm womb of the light of the knowing-nest and total predictability of the IBT (not to say it's a stagnate state of being since a soul is ever learning and growing in knowingness if it chooses, as we've established), a soul might choose an Earthly experience of forgetfulness and the surprise element of not knowing what's around the next corner. And let's not forget, Earths limited 5 senses rule could provide a kind of carrot of sorts to woo a soul back into such a place of limited choice that only heightens those five senses - in oh so many ways! And also, there's the choice to collaborate with another soul in the IBT that might want the help of another friend soul to gain a certain experience or help evolve a family tree here on earth. Or, we could just choose a mission to provide a pocket of balanced energy as Earth evolves thru difficult times. The choices for why to choose earth in particular seems endless to me. -A dream I've had a number of times since my OBE (the dream is experienced differently each time but has the same moral), is that I am in the IBT at a wonderful celebration of sorts with "friend" (for lack of a better word) souls. We have a beautiful feast laid out before us and I fill my plate with differing pieces of this and that, it all looks so heavenly yummy! But as I taste each one, they all taste the same with only slight varying degrees of a bland difference. I remark that I sure miss the tastes of earth, in a similar tone or feeling as I would have here, like missing a special time at a vacation spot. So in the IBT of these dreams, I always remember the sense of taste I had while on Earth with fond memories - knowing this sense particular sense is only heightened within our limited earthly experience. Once, in one of the dreams, someone said to me, "I'm ready if you're ready to go back!" and I said, "No thanks!" So, I have imagined, that in the IBT, eating food is not something you do there on any kind of regular basis and is experienced differently than here when you choose to do it for whatever reason. I could see how creating Earth with the five sense rule would lure souls here and out of their eternal nest. 

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