Far out cosmology (Introduction)

by xeno6696 @, Sonoran Desert, Tuesday, January 07, 2014, 17:48 (3786 days ago) @ David Turell

...If energy is eternal, and is capable of transforming itself into matter, 
> > 
> > Matt: This particular phrase is troubling. 
> > 
> > First, we know now that energy in our universe cannot be eternal, and most certainly isn't infinite. 
> All the matter and energy that was ever going to exist in the universe exists now, and because of Black Holes and Dark Energy, I think that these ultimately prove to be drains on both matter AND energy. 
> You are assuming that the spacetime we exist in as a virtual vacuum, with quanta popping in and out was present before the Big Bang. Vilenkin has just published a paper in which he says there must be a beginnning, for this one universe and/or multiverses. What was present before the beginning? Guth, Borde cand Vilenkin in their original paper there is no 'before' before the Big Bang. But you can't get something from nothing. Since the universe is energy of whatever forms we measure or suppose, energy is eternal.-I'm making no such assumption. I'm saying plainly that the universe sprang into being, and that because the universe has a finite mass, it has a finite energy, and because of the existence of dark energy and black holes the amount of available energy to the cosmos is decreasing over time as the universe expands and cools. Nothing here is controversial.-What you're saying here (to me) more like what dhw was after with his "eternal energy." I think the "something from nothing" dilemma is a false dilemma based on millions of years of evolution training us that all things have causes. If God exists, then God came from nothing as well: As I stated years ago, all you're doing is shifting the goalpost. Assume God is real, before the universe. Then, God IS the universe. Then God initiates the big bang: The *universe* has now shifted to "The universe + God" which is still... the Universe. All you've done is applied an artificial separation between the Universe and God. You're still ultimately arguing for a static universe. (If God is eternal so is the universe.) -In Agrippan Skepticism, since this question can be shown to be never-terminating, it isn't a valid question to begin with. -We've gone 'round on this before, to put it simply, existence exists.

\"Why is it, Master, that ascetics fight with ascetics?\"

\"It is, brahmin, because of attachment to views, adherence to views, fixation on views, addiction to views, obsession with views, holding firmly to views that ascetics fight with ascetics.\"

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