Far out cosmology: black hole differing masses (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Monday, October 31, 2022, 17:27 (567 days ago) @ David Turell

A black hole can have more than one mass due to quantum effects:


"Bizarre quantum properties of black holes—including their mind-bending ability to have different masses simultaneously—have been confirmed by University of Queensland physicists.


"'But, until now, we haven't deeply investigated whether black holes display some of the weird and wonderful behaviors of quantum physics.

"'One such behavior is superposition, where particles on a quantum scale can exist in multiple states at the same time.

"'This is most commonly illustrated by Schrödinger's cat, which can be both dead and alive simultaneously.

"'But, for black holes, we wanted to see whether they could have wildly different masses at the same time, and it turns out they do.


"...the team developed a mathematical framework allowing us to "place" a particle outside a theoretical mass-superposed black hole.

"Mass was looked at specifically, as it is a defining feature of a black hole, and as it is plausible that quantum black holes would naturally have mass superposition.

"Research co-supervisor, Dr. Magdalena Zych, said that the research in fact reinforces conjectures raised by pioneers of quantum physics.

"'Our work shows that the very early theories of Jacob Bekenstein—an American and Israeli theoretical physicist who made fundamental contributions to the foundation of black hole thermodynamics—were on the money," she said.

"'He postulated that black holes can only have masses that are of certain values, that is, they must fall within certain bands or ratios—this is how energy levels of an atom works, for example.

"'Our modeling showed that these superposed masses were, in fact, in certain determined bands or ratios—as predicted by Bekenstein.

"'We didn't assume any such pattern going in, so the fact we found this evidence was quite surprising.

"'The universe is revealing to us that it's always more strange, mysterious and fascinating than most of us could have ever imagined.'"

Comment: that last statement is certainly true. I still wonder why God did it that way?

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