Far out cosmology; multiverse (Introduction)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Sunday, January 26, 2014, 09:23 (3767 days ago) @ David Turell

bbella: the only thing that doesn't change is change itself. So, for me, this scripture is saying, God IS the changelessness of change [edited: in other words: It is what It is. And the thing about "IT" (change), it is so momentarily fleeting, it is impossible to nail down or to give IT expression. And so = God.][/i]
> > 
> > DAVID: This is why I think God is the consciousness or mind of the universe, unchanging but guiding change.
> > 
> > dhw:This exchange brings me back into the fray, which may or may not be a good thing. ....... I suspect that David has misunderstood BBella (but she will correct me if I'm wrong). Nothing ever stays the same, and so the only constant is change. If there is a god, it is a form of energy that transmutes itself into ever changing combinations of matter.
>David: Welcome back. I'm delighted you feel comfortable enough with yourself to begin to externalize from your innnermost feelings, which still must be quite raw. I'm sure I have bbella right. You are interpreting whatever is eternal as changing in total, and I don't think that is what she meant. I know it is not what I mean when I think of an eternal God. He does not change but as I think He is a part of the universe as well as outside of it, the changing universe represents a changing portion of Him but a discrete portion of Him is unchanging and in control of the change, and that is the main part outside of
> the universe.
> At any rate, bbella has to tell us what she meant.-At the risk of waxing a little poetic, the prophet Zechariah described the character of God with the words "sh'mo ehhad" translated as 'His Name is One'. Mathematics will tell us that every possible combination of numbers is contained within the number 1. 1 doesn't have to change because every conceivable sequence of numbers exists between one and nothing, the possibilities within it are endless and infinite. One is unity. One is harmony. One is complete. -In Game Design, we often describe absolutely everything as a value between 0 and 1. And why not? Is is absolutely perfect in its simplicity. One is the only number that, when divided by itself, is one, and likewise when multiplied by itself. In order to have anything, as opposed to nothing, you must at least have one. You can not have less than one without there being nothing. Nothing can be added, nor taken away. -Bella has often expressed the thought about us all being part of one. Unfortunately, few ever realize how true that statement is, and so we remain fractious, but a shadow of what could be. Ironically, Bella, the 'scriptures' says that he names himself 'I am what I shall prove to be' or, I am whatever I need to be. Without limitation, without reservations, absolutely complete.

What is the purpose of living? How about, 'to reduce needless suffering. It seems to me to be a worthy purpose.

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