Far out cosmology: cosmic strings exist? (Introduction)

by dhw, Sunday, April 29, 2018, 12:07 (2213 days ago) @ David Turell

DAVID: The initial singularity which was the proposed start of the universe was pure energy and of enormous weight equal to that of the universe itself. That's the theorists point of view, that energy has weight!

dhw: I googled and found this, which seems to indicate that energy can only have weight when it turns into material. It’s a bit beyond me, but I’m sure you will understand it.

Does energy have weight ? The answer is ... no | Naked ...

Does energy have weight? The answer is ... no
Does passive time have weight? The answer is no
But, when passive time merges with energy, material is created.
The material has weight. (DHW’S BOLD)
The weight of this material is its passive energy, which is distinguished with a simple spring.
Passive energy does not participate in the energy conservation law.
The passive energy of matter comes from its energy, which merges with passive time.
It is indeed a wondrous wonder. The material is created from two "abstract things" passive time and energy,

David: Did you read the comments below what you quoted???!!! Swallowing something in Google whole hog is not thinking. The comments are like my reaction, incorrect. A singularity is of tremendous weight and is pure energy. […]

The only relevant comment I could find was:
I have never seen this energy you speak of, 2hat (sic) is it and how does one measure its mass”.

I have my doubts about the initial singularity, and must confess that I have never experienced or weighed a singularity or pure energy. You say this is what the theorists tell us, and the theorist I quoted says differently. I am in no position to argue about it. You state these theories as if they were facts, but I'm not happy to swallow them "whole hog" - I like to think about them. That is why I ask questions.

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