Far out cosmology: why no GUTS? (Introduction)

by dhw, Monday, April 10, 2017, 11:49 (2597 days ago) @ David Turell

QUOTE: “Maybe our current dilemma is a symptom of something bigger, a deep change in the methodological nature of physical theories. We may have to see them historically, tossing aside First Cause explanations and timeless truths as fruitless pursuits. Quite possibly, the nature of physical theories mirrors their own narrative construction, piecewise and gradual, creations of our imperfect and incomplete grasp on physical reality. And there’s nothing wrong with that."

DAVID's comment: One simple solution is to accept God as the First Cause. String theory is obviously dead and no other is apparently on the way.

There is nothing simple about God as the First Cause. Even among believers, there is no consensus on his purposes or his nature. It is just as simple to say the First Cause is energy and matter. Or to accept that we haven’t a clue, and “there’s nothing wrong with that”. But it is an endlessly fascinating subject for discussion, as has been confirmed by our nine years of exchanges!

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