Theistic evolution vs. Darwinism (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Tuesday, May 21, 2013, 01:17 (4012 days ago)
edited by unknown, Tuesday, May 21, 2013, 01:25

This excerpt is on point as to how I view my theory. I know it destoys standard Darwinism. It should.-"This line of thinking is known as 'Theistic Evolution'. But its followers are just kidding themselves if they think it is compatible with Darwinism. First, to the extent that anyone ... either God, ... or 'any being. . . external to our universe responsible for selecting its properties' ... set nature up in any way to ensure a particular outcome, then to that extent, although there may be evolution, there is no Darwinism. Darwin's main contribution to science was to posit a mechanism for the unfolding of life that required no input from any intelligence ... random variation and natural selection. If laws were 'implanted' into nature with the express knowledge that they would lead to intelligent life, then even if the results follow by 'natural development,' nonetheless, intelligent life is not a random result (although randomness may be responsible for other, unintended features of nature). Even if all the pool balls on the table followed natural laws after the cue struck the first ball, the final result of all the balls in the side pocket was not random. It was intended [via the specific arrangement of the balls on the pool table before the shot was made].
Second, 'laws', understood as simple rules that describe how matter interacts (such as Newton's law of gravity), cannot do anything by themselves. For anything to be done, specific substances must act. If our universe contained no matter, even the most finely tuned laws would be unable to produce life, because there would be nothing to follow the laws. Matter has unique characteristics, such as how much, where it is, and how it's moving. In the absence of specific arrangements of matter, general laws account for little."-Also: "Even if we grant that evolution is capable of "climbing Mount Improbable" (to use a phrase popularized by Professor Richard Dawkins, the world's best-known contemporary atheist), it is still a very remarkable
 fact (unexplained by Darwinism) that evolution possesses the tools required to get it to the top of the mountain and generate such a variety of complex life-forms."-'s random mutation and natural selection cannot work. Too little time and the fossil record doesn't remotely look like that method was in operation.

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