Theistic evolution vs. Darwinism (Introduction)

by BBella @, Thursday, May 23, 2013, 18:48 (4010 days ago) @ David Turell

> > DAVID: You are still inventing brilliant intelligence out of thin air. Raw energy at what level, by what mechanism can invent intelligence and thought? Pipe dream.
> > 
> > dhw: How you love to pounce on your own shadow! Your God is your invention of "brilliant intelligence out of thin air", 
> > Belief in pipe dreams depends on leaps of faith (remember Marx: "Religion is the opium of the people"). Pipe dreamers are ill advised to criticize their fellow leapers of whatever creed for smoking pipes. That is the privilege of us non-leaping, non-smoking fence-sitters!
> The degree of intelligence you need to create the universe and life by panpsychism is certainly equivalent to the concept of 'my God'. You are literally arguing for God without using the term or concept. Think of God without the religious overlays, as I do, and you are at the same stage of my thought process. We are in almost full agreement, except for the terminology.-I agree with your statement above, David. In my view, you are both literally arguing for each others ideas. The only difference seems to be in your minds image of the process. One sees a personage (with unknown physical characteristics) when you imagine the process, and the other imagines the process without the one personage. It just seems to me you are both imaging the same process in your mind, one just calls that process God while the other calls it panpsychism. I could only hope we might all come this close with my own imaging of the process, which I am sure Tony and others here probably feel the same. In some sense, this is how we, as an "intelligent" race of beings, should always work out our differences. Your patience with each other is a great model for society .Not to say you were that far apart in the first place...but still, even a minor difference in view is able to cause a war.

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