Theistic evolution vs. Darwinism:agnostic & atheists leaving (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Tuesday, August 03, 2021, 15:57 (1016 days ago) @ dhw

DAVID: Neil Thomas' book is out. Why not read it!!!!

dhw: Allowing for meals, exercise and daytime naps, I work most days from approx. 6 am until approx 10.30 pm (including the time I spend on this forum). I’m not complaining – this is my choice, because I love the work that I do. But I do not have time to read all the books you would like me to read, and so I rely on you to reproduce the arguments. You have actually repeated the arguments from your last post, and so I will repeat my comments:

The heading is a travesty in itself. Darwin – himself an agnostic - explicitly wrote that he “saw no good reason why the views given in this book (Origin) should shock the religious feelings of anyone.” We may (and do) disagree with aspects of his theory (random mutations, and natural selection as a creative force), just as some theists might disagree with the proposal that God designed every species individually and his only aim was to design humans. But that does not mean opponents of parts of your theory or parts of Darwin's can't be theists. Darwinism allows for theistic evolution! He said so, and he should know!

DAVID: Antony Flew, a famous atheist philosopher published his book, There is a God, in 2007. And now an English humanist is now an agnostic after reviewing ID material:
Taking Leave of Darwin: A Longtime Agnostic Discovers the Case for Design

QUOTE: Thomas's deeply personal conclusion? Intelligent design is not only possible but, indeed, is presently the most reasonable explanation for the origin of life's great diversity of forms.

DAVID: Minds can be opened if ID is researched properly. I did it, and my mind changed. Try it. But it involves reading their material.

From the very start of this website I have accepted the logic of the design argument, which is a major reason for my rejection of atheism (the other being psychic experiences). I have also rejected Darwin’s theory of random mutations, and of natural selection as a creative force.

...agnostics & atheists leaving

Does Neil Thomas reject common descent, how many agnostics and atheists have “left” what? Does this mean that Mr Thomas and the other agnostics are now theists?

I will look forward to hearing the answers when you have read the book – as I’m sure you will! :-)

What Neil Thomas seems to do is reject Darwin propaganda. Asking me to distill the book for you is an interesting request I'll consider.;-)

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