Theistic evolution vs. Darwinism (Introduction)

by dhw, Sunday, June 16, 2013, 20:37 (3985 days ago) @ BBella

BBELLA: Isn't life just one great experiment being sought by us all, each individually as well as socially? Seek and you will find, as the scripture say. Yet, even so, we cannot see the result or the complete picture, of what this means.-I go along with this analogy. -DAVID: Thus the results have to factor in conscious intent because only what is looked for is found. -BBELLA: I've always thought this a conundrum. Scientist realize what they see when looking into QR is what they are looking for, and they know it. So what is the point and the result, the big/complete picture? Just that, what it is! The malleable fabric of what they are looking to experiment on reflects back their own belief, or reality. Now what? Just keep staring...keep experimenting...seeking a different answer? Or, start looking at the implications and taking that "science" seriously and to it's nth degree. But, this is where they (most) fall off the flat earth into quantum nothingness. Which is understandable, in a sense. I pretty much fall off there too.-So do most of us, which is why I find it impossible to subscribe to such concrete conclusions as God doesn't exist, or life was deliberately created by a conscious quantum mind which wants us to learn the lessons of tough love.-DAVID: My statements about quantum theory are correct. My statements of my conclusions are the correct conclusions for me. Consciousness is mixed up in quantum reality, the level underlying our perceived reality.-BBELLA: So very well said, David. I think this belief, of personal observed "Quantum Reality" is something we both have in common (not sure about anyone else here). We both understand that our perceptions of "what is" is just that...our own personal perceived realities that we consciously, or unconsciously, have searched to find and have found within our own personal realities.-We're aware that we can never "know" any of the answers to our main questions, and can only come up with subjective beliefs, but at least some of us never stop searching, and sometimes by exchanging views on these personal realities I think we can (and I hope we do) help one another.-BBELLA: And when we each consciously perceive this teleo-reality, we, each, again, have the choice in how to neatly place what we view into our own conscious reality - which then moves the very state/fabric of the reality we perceive. We all do it...but, for most, it is done automatically, unconsciously, without purposeful thought.-That is part of the pleasure and sometimes the frustration of our discussions. Especially when sceptical agnostics cast doubt on subjective opinions that claim to be based on objective realities!

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