Theistic evolution vs. Darwinism (Introduction)

by BBella @, Saturday, June 08, 2013, 20:39 (3994 days ago) @ dhw

I've frequently pointed out that I'm offering my own personal take on panpsychism, of which there are as many varieties as there are gods in the pantheon. The basis of my particular hypothesis is the same as yours: namely, that energy is capable of intelligence (though this remains indefinable, as it must take many forms). We have no idea how, which is what makes both our hypotheses equally unbelievable. -I agree that energy takes many forms, but wonder about consciousness role in that undertaking. In a way, getting down to the nitty-gritty (as is said in these parts), I'm thinking consciousness is not energy but inhabits energy. I think of it more as a formless knowing within energy forms; non moveable - unlike energy, as energy is always on the move, ever changing. Consciousness, on the other hand, in the way I think of it, at the moment, is not even subject to movement or time, altho it can and does inhabit both. ->You [David] see your mysteriously intelligent God deliberately moving the pieces into place. I am suggesting that my mysteriously intelligent pieces deliberately moved themselves into place. -Maybe what David is referencing as God is just simply consciousness, that which permeates all that is, yet is not all that is, itself. In the sense, that consciousness, itself, cannot deliberately move energy, but can influence energy. In a sense, energy takes it's cues from consciousness. Just like our body (or any living body) takes it's cues from it's consciousness. But consciousness itself, by itself, moves nothing. So, possibly, there are two states (maybe more, who knows?). Two intermingled states, consciousness and energy, working together, producing what is?

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