Interpretation of Texts (General)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Saturday, September 18, 2010, 18:42 (4988 days ago) @ David Turell

Radiometric dating, in its may forms, measures the decay of a radioactive element into its new form(daughter). The rate at which this process occurs is variable in tandem with the speed of light. Look up Barry Setterfield who proposed the idea. Basically, radiometric decay is maintained at a constant rate that is intimately tied with the speed of light. If the speed of light changes, so does the rate of decay. His theory was that light traveled faster after the big bang and has been gradually slowing. -To quote Richard Feynman "...there is also an amplitude for light to go faster (or slower) than the conventional speed of light. You found out in the last lecture that light doesn't go only in straight lines; now, you find out that it doesn't go only at the speed of light! It may surprise you that there is an amplitude for a photon to go at speeds faster or slower than the conventional speed, c.-Now, normally, I would shrug this guy off as another young-earth nut, and he vary well may be, but at the moment, I can't complain about bad science on his part. He had his experiments on the speed of light peer reviewed and the data analyzed by an unassociated 3rd party statistical analyst. Even that I might not have accepted as enough to make me question my own long held beliefs that the dating's were for the most part reliable. The next article I found was from something fantastic. A model of the universe that doesn't require a big bang, dark matter, black holes, or any of that other madness. All that it requires is that the speed of light is not constant, and to look into new relationships between mass, space, and time.-As I said in an earlier post. My changing position is not because I am a young earth creationist, but because lots and lots of little tiny pieces are falling into position and painting a whole new picture that may make many scientific assumptions have to be reformulated.

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