An inventive mechanism (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Saturday, September 06, 2014, 15:32 (3529 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

> Tony:I am going to go out on a limb and say that David doesn't like my reasoning for two reasons. A) David is a trained scientist, B) Though a theist, David is not (to my knowledge) a Christian, and prefers his God a little less "human" (and I use the term VERY loosely). Whereas I see God as an individual, powerful though he is, with thoughts and feelings similar in kind with ours, David sees him(it) without any personification.-Tony and I start from two very different points, as he beautifully explains, and we logically reach different conclusions. With my Jewish background, I see a single God-head. I have tried to work backward from the scientific discoveries I've read and interpreted to try and reach reasonable explanations for me. I avoid the Bibles, both of them. Genesis was thought to have six authors and there are four Gospels. What is included in both Bibles was chosen by committies from available material, some writings left out. Bible by committee does not give me innerrancy. 
> Tony: This would greatly reduce the amount of time and effort needed to create each species. Humans can mass produce things once we have the right recipe for them, even things that vary slightly from one instance of them to the next. When you "zoom" out far enough, you can see that this mass production is sort of what has happened. Designing the rules that govern things and then setting them in motion takes far less time and energy than hand-crafting each and every particle.-This summary of Tony's computer approach makes sense.

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