An inventive mechanism: Tacoma bridge adddendum (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Wednesday, October 08, 2014, 01:42 (3498 days ago) @ David Turell

This story is an exact representation of evolutionary speciation among man-made objects. The original event: - new Tacoma narrows bridge in the article from Wiki is a new species of bridge, based ln the old design with modifications. In NY city a sister-designed bridge, the Whitestone from Northern Queens to the North shore of Long Island Sound was put in about the same time. Since NY is subject to hurricanes with their high winds, the Tacoma event caused NY engineers to put a heavy steel scaffolding along both sides of the suspended roadway to stop it from any harmonic waves in a high wind. It is still in place after several hurricanes.-This is an exact analogy to evolutionary speciations. Both the NY and the Tacoma bridges are new species of bridges, responding to natural threats. The engineers followed stress-enginering guidelines in the new structures. Granted the engineers plans were now correct for wind stress the first time. In parallel to the bridges example, in evolution, my thought is that the genome tries new forms, using guidelines, and natural selection chooses.-Against that thought is the apparent drive for complexity in evolution. New species without a causative challenge. As I have pointed out in my books, bacteria are still bacteria and still successful 3.7 years later. They did not need to advance to complicated multicellular life, nor is there any evidence that they were driven to advance by adverse conditions. In fact extremeophiles love adversity. The same is true for hominin development. Leaving trees and upright posture go together. The silly Darwinian idea that the forest turned to savannah and forced the changes, is answered by simply imagining arborial-living creatures obviously following the retreating forest to where ever it ends up. Africa has never been totally deforested.
And finally, the giant human brain wasn't forced to happen, but it did. Much of speciation advancement is not related to stress.

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