An inventive mechanism: A DNA 'Shapiro change' (Evolution)

by dhw, Tuesday, November 29, 2016, 09:03 (2715 days ago) @ David Turell

I don’t quite know what went wrong yesterday, but for some reason, my replies did not get posted!

QUOTE: 'The dramatic and widespread change in the metabolic network is really a shock," said Casey. "However, we're seeing that these changes provide a substantial growth advantage for this ubiquitous microbe in phosphorus-limited regions of the ocean, so it seems that where there's a will there's a way."

David's comment: This modification is just what Shapiro has championed. A dramatic editing of DNA removing the metabolic stress of producing enzymes by finding a simpler way of manufacturing photosynthesis products. Still the same species! Doesn't show how speciation occurs and is no support for Darwin's original thesis.

There are three points here that we have discussed over and over again. Firstly, NOBODY knows how speciation occurred, and that is why we theorize. Secondly, what part of Darwin’s original thesis are you talking about? Common descent? Natural selection? Or the same old random mutations plus gradualism that you and I have long since agreed to discount? Thirdly, it is not only such modifications that Shapiro has championed, but also the all-important factor of cellular intelligence, which means that “Where’s there a will there’s a way” is to be taken literally. Please give us your “theological explanation” for Prochlorococcus’s amazing talent.

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