An inventive mechanism (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Thursday, September 25, 2014, 02:16 (3511 days ago) @ dhw

dhw: This is the sort of cooperative decision-making that must also be involved in innovation. Even if we restrict ourselves to the behaviour of these fish, there can be little doubt that it argues intelligence, and so once more you are faced with your dilemma. Did your God preprogramme this behaviour 3.7 billion years ago? Did he dabble with the lakes and/or with fishy automatons? Or is there a mechanism within the genome of these organisms which takes its own autonomous decisions in accordance with the needs and opportunities presented by the environment?-There is no doubt evolution proceeds through intelligent information. Our debate for the past months has not solved the problems presented by your question. But we do recognize tht life must be run by a very complex computerized program as represented by DNA and all of its tricks. Frances Crick's declaration that three bases must code for each amino acid, is only the beginning of the story, and we are only a tiny way through the study of how it all works.

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