An inventive mechanism (Evolution)

by Balance_Maintained @, U.S.A., Saturday, September 13, 2014, 00:52 (3523 days ago) @ David Turell

> > Tony;The problem is that you are holding the planning and action to be the same thing, and they are not. Doesn't an architect draw up blueprints long before the workers start construction? Once the construction starts, does he do everything at once, or does each thing have an appointed time and order in which it must occur? ...... God is not foolish enough to not have a plan, and is is capable enough to deal with any issues of "time and unforeseen circumstances." 
>David: I admire your knowledge and scholarship re the OT. I'm no where near that ability. On the other hand my self-education after the smattering in childhood is partially with Gerald Schroeder' books on science and the OT, and Adler's "How to think about God". Both authors attribute much more power to God than you do above, and I feel your description is very anthropomorphic, and God is much more than what you have attributed to him. That is why I view him as the universal consciousness with near infinite intellectual capacities.
> > -> > > 
> > >David: God...should have been able to do all the planning from the beginning, or he had to step in and adjust. Again, my dilemma.
> > 
> > They are not mutually exclusive, nor should they be. (See Above)
> Under your interpretation of God that is true, under mine no.-
Simple question, do you think a) God knows the future in every minute detail, or b) do you think that God has a purpose and shapes events to his will as they unfold in order to fulfill his purpose? As a Jew, this question should be near and dear to your heart. Can you give examples from the OT where YHWH adjusted things in order to fulfill his purpose? I can think of several. How can you believe in free will and still believe in version A, how can you believe in the OT and not believe in version B?

What is the purpose of living? How about, 'to reduce needless suffering. It seems to me to be a worthy purpose.

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