Return to David's theory of evolution (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Tuesday, February 21, 2023, 16:22 (436 days ago) @ dhw

DAVID: God purposely designs limited adaptation abilities, short of requiring a new species. That is His job. No failure, good design.

dhw: Your God’s only purpose is to design us and our food. He deliberately designs 100 forms of organism so that 99 of them will fail to survive new conditions. They are all dead ends that do not lead to us and our food. You call them his “mistakes”, “failed experiments”, “wrong decisions” caused by the faults in his design, but there are no failures and it’s good design, but you never contradict yourself.

I've used those terms in the past to open up an answer your question as to why God evolved us. Yes, itis messy. Please accept my current statement without referring to past complete discussions.

dhw: I’m not questioning the 99% loss, and it’s you who would like to throw it out in order to justify your topsy-turvy argument.

DAVID: I have reason to want to throw it out. It is history. Stop trying to mind read me.

dhw: Thank you for confirming my reading of your mind. The history (99% failure as a result of your God’s design) contradicts your theory of “no failure. Good design”, although this contradicts your theory that your God’s form of evolution was full of mistakes. You simply cannot find any way of reconciling the history with your messy theories, and so you want to throw out the history.

I've not thrown out the history. Again: "God purposely designs limited adaptation abilities, short of requiring a new species. That is His job. No failure, good design".[/i]

dhw: But you cannot bear the thought of our not being his prime purpose, and so you blame your God for incompetence, and refuse to consider the possibility that his purpose in designing, for example, the 99% of dinosaurs which had no connection with us and our food (the other 1% was birds) may NOT have been to act as what you used to call “absolute requirements” for designing us and our food.

DAVID: Do we eat chicken? Refused to answer. Lots of other birds for food. God's proper design pattern for evolution fully described above. Usual distortion will be ignored.

dhw: I have just answered the chicken question for about the tenth time. Chickens are birds, and birds descended from the 1% of dinosaur successes. There is no distortion. However, you eventually agreed that the other 99% were also successes, even though they did not lead to us and our food, and so clearly if they were successful, their purpose could not have been to act as requirements for us and our food. But you won’t even consider the possibility that your God may have had a different purpose for designing the 99%.

God designed the great bush of life to be under our control and provide our food.

DAVID: Trust in God removes all of your problems with God. It is obvious God chose this method for His own reasons. Trust means I don't need to know them as I accept God knows exactly what He is doing. Never second guess God.

dhw: All the above problems are not with God but with your rigid belief in an all-powerful God who blunders for reasons you cannot understand. You refuse to consider the possibility that an all-powerful God would not make blunders.

DAVID: That He does not blunder is described above: "God purposely designs limited adaptation abilities, short of requiring a new species. Speciation is His job. No failure, good design." As a result 99.9% of species fail to survive.

dhw: Why do you keep editing out your constant references to your God’s “mistakes”, “failed experiments”, “wrong choices”, “messy evolution”, all because “it is a design fault in a lack of adaptability”. And in any case, you insist that he separately designed all the new species (as opposed to adaptations), which means that he didn’t need any of his previous failed experiments anyway!

Failure to survive allows God to evolve the 1% that became what exists today as a set of huge and small ecosystems, most of which supplies our food.

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