Problems with this section (Agnosticism)

by Frank Paris @, Saturday, October 31, 2009, 21:19 (5313 days ago) @ dhw

I'll say little right now because I'm tied up with something else for several more hours.-"Frank continues the daunting task of explaining process theology to me."-I guess I need to point out that there are as many ideas of what process theology is as there are people who give their opinion about it. For lots of different perspectives, see In Whom We Live and Move and Have our Being: Panentheistic Reflections on God's Presence in a Scientific World, by Philip Clayton and Arthur Peacocke, editors. This book's primary emphasis is on panentheism, but most modern panentheists adopt some species of process theology as their philosophical basis. Panentheism is ancient. Process theology largely stems from the philosophy of Whitehead, but there are many different expositions of what it means and implies. Most process theologians couch their theology in Christian mythology and claim to be Christians. I may adopt some Christian concepts and terms, but don't profess to be a Christian. For better or for worse (I suppose many would say for worse), I've developed my own -- I'm sure many would think -- "bizarre" theology, and am merely sympathetic to the currents in process theology. There's lots about the details of Whitehead's philosophy that is completely beyond my feeble intellect.

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