Problems with this section (Agnosticism)

by Frank Paris @, Wednesday, November 04, 2009, 21:09 (5309 days ago) @ dhw

"let me finish with apologies for what must seem like a very aggressive critique."-It just seems that what you're "critiquing" has nothing to do with that I actually said (or at least meant), and so why would I be the least bit disturbed by your post? Your "aggression" is towards ideas that I've never held.-"I do like arguments to be clear. I hope you'll understand."-Of course I understand. I'm the same way. But when you're encountering ideas that you freely admit are new to you, you're bound to have misunderstandings and unconscious presuppositions about what I'm saying, even if my exposition is perfectly clear and coherent. You're bringing your own preconceptions into the mix and it's very difficult to avoid coloring my formulations with your own preconceptions of what I'm likely to say. I'm not saying that that's what's actually happening. I freely admit that I might be a poor writer. I'll just keep on trying to clarify what I really mean, time and time again, if I have to.

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