Problems with this section; for Frank (Agnosticism)

by Frank Paris @, Sunday, November 22, 2009, 04:06 (5292 days ago) @ Frank Paris

"I disagree completely that only a few people are telepathic. I think it's in the very nature of complex nervous systems."-I forgot to point out that this implies something that lots of people have observed in their own pets. Animals are telepathic as well as human beings. Obviously they don't have the concept of telepathy. They nevertheless often seem to have a "sixth sense" about what's going on. They are unconsciously tapping into the telepathic level of existence, and I'm not talking about picking up subtle cues from human body language, although telepathic abilities could be instrumental is sensitizing awareness of these cues.-None of this should be surprising, because if there are phenomena in our universe, they are natural, and if they are natural, there's nothing magical about particularly highly developed abilities in human beings. If the abilities exist in humans, they probably also exist in other animals in fragmentary form.-To me this just makes the natural world all the more wonderful. The only thing special about human beings is they just have "more of the same," due to their more complex nervous system.-I want to emphasize that "the telepathic level of existence" is part of the natural world. I think it's an example of what has been brought up before, that there are natural phenomena in the universe that science has not yet gotten its arms around and has not yet learned how to deal with scientifically. That doesn't mean it isn't possible, only that it hasn't been done yet.-Griffin has actually written extensively about telepathy. He presents arguments that telepathic communication may have nothing to do with limitations caused by the speed of light. For this reason he seems to argue that God simultaneously knows everything that is going on in the universe even when events happen across the universe, and that telepathy could become instantly aware of events taking place billions of light years apart. "Spooky action at a distance" is instantaneous and independent of the actual distance separating the two events. This is similar enough to telepathy that it could be that telepathy taps into the same physical realm that rules quantum events.-If all this is true, then science obviously still has lots to learn. Well, heck, we know that, since the greatest scientific minds in physics remain totally baffled by the laws that govern quantum phenomena. We may be able to measure these phenomena more accurately than anything else in science, but we are utterly clueless to understand them. I've seen it written many times that anyone who claims to understand why quantum events work the way they do doesn't understand quantum science.

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