Problems with this section (Agnosticism)

by Frank Paris @, Saturday, November 14, 2009, 02:02 (5300 days ago) @ David Turell

"If God created the universe as part of himself, what is God?"-I'd rather put it this way. God create the universe from minimal spinoffs from his essence. What is God? I've always liked the way Tillich put it: God is the ground of all being. From Whitehead's thought we could say that God is the sources of all process. Process receives its "life" from God.-I don't know if from all I've said on previous posts on this forum the following has come across: God is the source of all consciousness. This is related to the common mystical acclamation that "All is One." With respect to consciousness and "All is One," there really is only one consciousness and that is God's consciousness. Each spec of consciousness experienced by an organism is simply God's consciousness as filtered through the limited physical confines of that organism. In mystical union, the individual overcomes, or bursts through, those limited confines and experiences the unlimited and unconditioned consciousness of God. -I've often thought that this is the true meaning of immortality: what we want to be immortal is our consciousness, and it is, because stripped of all its limitations and conditioning, it is uncovered to be God's very own consciousness. We're just participating in it, and it is immortal. However, our memories are not part of that consciousness. We are conscious of our memories, but our memories are just "tracks" running through our physical nervous system, and our consciousness can run along those tracks. This is really just God being consciousness of "episodes" in the world, or processes.-"is God an energy force with a componemt of intellect?"-God is the source of all energy (as process) and has intellect. He also has love and infinite concern for the welfare of individuals in the universe. When we love and are compassionate, or experience beauty, we're just responding to divine promptings within our being.-"Is He all intelligent energy?"-Could you rephrase that?-"are we just guessing what God is, and cannot have any reasonable concept?"-All statements about God are mythical. Myths are statements that attempt to point beyond themselves, since the essence of God is inexpressible. A concept is only reasonable within the context of entire systems of thought. A system of thought is reasonable to the extent that it is consistent, coherent, and provides intellectually satisfying accounts of our experience.

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