Problems with this section (Agnosticism)

by BBella @, Monday, November 16, 2009, 06:30 (5298 days ago) @ Frank Paris

All I see is a persistent resistence against coming to grips with what I'm trying to get at, repeating the same difficulties over and over again, regardless of how many attempts I make to put it into different words. This actually doesn't really surprise me. Whenever someone is confronted with statements that fly in the face of his basic assumptions, he's going to have trouble coming to grips with them.
> "I also hope such discussions are not too frustrating for you."
> Don't worry about it. Just try to remain non-judgemental and open-minded.-I just want to say, you do not have to worry about dhw not being openminded as I personally have not found a more open-minded forum, or person, as dhw. I do not see dhw's questioning as a "persistent resistance against coming to grips with what [you] are trying to get at." He really is trying to get his mind around what you (and not just you but all of us) are expressing by placing everything that is said here through a meat grinder (as much as he humanly can). For me, his questioning is not meant to judge but to try and flesh what is said down to it's most comprehensible (for him). -His way has actually encouraged me to flesh out just how I think by allowing me to get to the very core of my own perspective. Where else can a person go to express how they think and not get a barrage of preconceived notions thrown back at them? Maybe you think that is what he is doing here but you can be sure it is not. Unlike me, you may have already expressed your experience and perspective (about your experience) to others before coming here, and maybe those people assumed they knew what or where you were coming from so therefore never gave you much of the floor to really express your thoughts. That is not what is going on here. Dhw is not assuming anything. He really is trying to understand where we all are coming from, trying to flesh out our multifaceted perspectives within the frame of our knowledge, personal experiences and predicament of being.... possibly, to grind out his own.-Hopefully you will not take the above wrong or dhw wrong, as I know, for me personally, I have really looked forward to reading your perspective, and the more the way you see things get fleshed out, or maybe could be said, gets peeled away and closer to the core, the more interesting it is getting, not less. So hopefully you will continue to be patience with our questioning. It's not a questioning of doubt and disbelief, trying to show you up, but of true curiosity and wanting to understand your perspective.-bb

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