Problems with this section (Agnosticism)

by dhw, Monday, November 16, 2009, 17:36 (5297 days ago) @ BBella

BBella has tried to reassure Frank: "I just want to say, you do not have to worry about dhw not being open-minded as I personally have not found a more open-minded forum, or person, as dhw." [...] "Dhw is not assuming anything. He really is trying to understand where we are all coming from, trying to flesh out our multifaceted perspectives within the frame of our knowledge, personal experiences and predicament of being...possibly, to grind out his own."-This is unquestionably one of the nicest, kindest and most understanding posts to have appeared on AgnosticWeb, and I'm deeply moved by it. The problem for me as an agnostic is that I'm constantly in a land of maybes/maybe-nots, and so when I query arguments, it's often assumed that I'm in the opposite camp. I guess it's difficult for some folk to get onto the wavelength of a person who is in no camp at all! Your post may not reassure Frank, but it does reassure me, since you have articulated precisely what this forum is trying to achieve. Thank you, BBella.

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