Problems with this section (Agnosticism)

by Frank Paris @, Sunday, November 01, 2009, 15:14 (5312 days ago) @ BBella

"Let me see if I have this right, Frank; God is not the string"-The string is not the totality of God. The string is a severely narrowed down "reflection" of God, so much so that once God creates it, he can't get "inside" of it to know what it is "thinking" and what it is liable to do next. But because it is a reflection of God (however dim), When different instances "collide" under different circumstances and stick together, and grow into higher and higher organisms (not just piles of them like a stone, but an organization of them, in an organism), the individual reflections of God come to a focus and reflect more and more fully the essence of God, until the organism reaches consciousness and can be conscious of its own essence, and eventually break through to the direct perception of its true identity at the base of its being, God himself.-"rather God created the string and then observes the string and when any of the created beings from the string arrives at a certain level of consciousness that God can relate to, God then communicates as best as possible with that created being. Is this correct?"-Close, but I'm not sure why you're using "string" in the singular. God created an unlimited number of them, each its own being, and they can "experience" each other by coming into contact, and build up into organisms with richer and richer experience, until they can exhibit consciousness, at which time God can get "inside" of them and influence them.-My theology is not Deism, where God creates the foundation, then sets it in motion, to watch dispassionately what happens like an impersonal scientist with no stake in the process. The purpose of God's creating is to watch his own essence unfold in greater and greater realizations so that God can "discover" himself in his creation and gradually take it over through his own conscious "lure," thereafter directing it with greater and greater power. When that begins to happen, evolution no longer occurs haphazardly with no direction.-So, unlike Deism, from the very beginning, God is intensely interested in what unfolds, and "can't wait" (to be anthropomorphic about it) until organisms reach the point where God can commmunicate with them. The whole purpose of creation is to evolve to the point where God can "talk" to it and self-consciously take over its direction, by working at it from within the organisms. And God cares deeply about everything that happens, and regrets injustice and tries as best he can to lure conscious creatures away from injustice and towards his own loving compassion.-"If this is near correct, I would wonder then what God created the string from?"-God spins off miniscule "reflections" of himself, and when untold numbers of them unite together into organisms, all these reflections come to a focus, reflecting greater and great realizations of the divine essence. God "sees" himself more and more in these concentrated reflections.-"I personally believe that everything is God including the string...all that IS is God matter."-Finally someone who sees things similar to the way I do. Of course mystics throughout the ages have formulated their vision in terms where it is only the illusions of finitude that prevent humans from realizing their true identity with God himself, but you're the first I've encountered who provides a "mechanism" for how all this works, in terms taken from modern scientific theories.-"I arrived at my belief by a very similar process as you have, probably over the same amount of years. I'd say we are pretty close in our thought process and understanding."-It does seem that way. So at least two of us are "crazy" in the same way!

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