Problems with this section (Agnosticism)

by Frank Paris @, Sunday, November 15, 2009, 18:24 (5298 days ago) @ dhw

"Some past contributors may, however, have said that God himself created the laws of Nature."-Count me in there. The laws of nature flow out of the fundamentals. God created the fundamentals. It is a mystery however if God knew beforehand that the laws of nature would actually produce life forms. The only thing that is not a mystery is that it is possible to produce a set of fundamentals that can produce a universe that can evolve conscious organisms. The fundamentals upon which our universe is based obviously can evolve conscious organisms.-'we are here because in order to achieve his purpose he "set up" his particles to create the codes needed to get us here. How, then, can this be construed as life and the codes for evolution coming about "by accident"?'-It is not known whether God set up his particles to create the particular codes need to get us here. All that is known is that the particles he did set up had the potential to produce the particlar codes life on Earth is based on. We don't know whether the particles also have the potential to produce other codes upon which life could be based. I've said this twenty times. We don't know whether the particular genetic codes developed on Earth were the result of accident. Also, any evolutionist worth his salt realizes that there were plenty of accidents involved in the emergence of life on our planet, and also that it could not have taken place in the way it has without the laws of nature having the properties they do have.-"It seems to me that in order to accommodate the vision of an all-loving God, your theology requires just as many intellectual contortions as that of the conventional Creator model."-Why should any adequate description of reality be easy to express? That statement seems more like mud slinging than anything else. Any adequate description of reality will require substantial intellectual efforts to comprehend, especially if it flies in the face of the channels your brain has been programmed to travel through.-"I hope the above will help you to understand why it's so difficult for me to find consistency and coherence in some of your thinking."-All I see is a persistent resistence against coming to grips with what I'm trying to get at, repeating the same difficulties over and over again, regardless of how many attempts I make to put it into different words. This actually doesn't really surprise me. Whenever someone is confronted with statements that fly in the face of his basic assumptions, he's going to have trouble coming to grips with them.-"I also hope such discussions are not too frustrating for you."-Don't worry about it. Just try to remain non-judgemental and open-minded.

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