Problems with this section (Agnosticism)

by BBella @, Monday, November 16, 2009, 05:48 (5298 days ago) @ Frank Paris

There is still an enormous struggle between good and evil on our planet, a struggle I might add that only arises with the emergence of consciousness. Before the emergence of consciousness, there is no good and evil in life. -I can see what you are saying above; before consciousness, man was living as the other animals on earth, by instinct alone. When or what circumstances do you believe brought about the beginning of the rise in consciousness of man? Do you think this consciousness of man grew along side or out of the birth of the mental conscience? If so, what do you think could have sparked this birth? ->Evil arises only when the divine promptings in consciousness are ignored or rejected.-Before the rise of consciousness in man, wouldn't man pretty much have been in the animal instinct mode? If so, it seems to me evil would have came about when man became conscious enough to call or name something evil that would have been considered animal instinct before his growth in consciousness. -I can see the consciousness of man growing as we speak, so there is no doubt in my mind that we are growing a more expanded consciousness, and that we are, again, to my mind, growing toward a mind meld with a more peaceful, loving and more caring way of being. It does seem to me there is a "lure" drawing us toward this more altruistic way? It seems quite conspicuous to me...but then again, that is just me.-bb

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