Evolution and humans: big brain size uses energy (Evolution)

by dhw, Saturday, November 18, 2017, 12:52 (2443 days ago) @ David Turell

DAVID: Glad you like it. More than one Earth, each in a different galaxy is possible. Doesn't make God any more human, just an experimenter.

dhw: A being who experiments with different things to see how they turn out sounds just as “human” to me as a being who invents a mechanism that produces different things so he can see how they turn out. But I’m not complaining. It’s good to see you at last considering these different possibilities. There was a time, I remember, when you vehemently dismissed the idea of God experimenting here on Earth, since you then thought he was in total control and knew exactly what he was doing all the time.

DAVID: I haven't changed my view of God. He is in total control even if experimenting.

Once more, I am delighted that you are willing to consider different “humanized” motives for your God’s actions. I am also delighted at the implications of your God experimenting. Experimenting with different things "to see how they turn out" would provide a good theistic explanation for the higgledy-piggledy history of evolution, and humans could then have come to mind late on during his experiments. Not preplanned at all. Alternatively, he could initially have wanted to produce a being that could think like him, but didn’t know how to do it. That is another motive for experimentation. You dismissed these theistic ideas before, but now that you are willing to see him as an experimenter, perhaps you will reconsider.

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