dhw: Evolution and humans: Neanderthal lungs larger (Evolution)

by dhw, Tuesday, November 20, 2018, 09:24 (2273 days ago) @ David Turell

DAVID: You keep deliberately skipping over the composition of econiches which are delicately balanced to provide food for all. The spider webs are part of that balance, nothing more. The link is in the energy supply and you know it.

The link to what? All econiches supply food for all until they do not supply food for all, and then the econiche changes into another econiche. Every form of life is part of every econiche. Nothing whatsoever to do with your belief that 50,000 spider webs were specially designed as “stepping stones” to humans! There is no link, and you know it, which is why you keep telling us that your God’s logic is not ours.

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