Evolution and humans: interbreeding (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Thursday, August 23, 2018, 05:08 (2165 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

David Comment: Since early homo forms did not seem to understand how to build shelters they lived in caves, a great source for fossils. Interbreeding does not seem rare based on what has been found.

Tony: spe·cies
a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding. The species is the principal natural taxonomic unit, ranking below a genus and denoted by a Latin binomial, e.g., Homo sapiens.

I.E. They are the same damn species... by definition.


"If two lineages of oak look quite different, but occasionally form hybrids with each other, should we count them as different species? There are lots of other places where the boundary of a species is blurred. It's not so surprising that these blurry places exist — after all, the idea of a species is something that we humans invented for our own convenience!"


David: Good point. Based on DNA at least they are a very different variety.

Tony: Going to toss on my biblical hat for a moment and say, if the Bible's explanation for neanderthal origins are true, then the original neanderthal was literally brother to a human. It also indicates an immediate geographic situation, and population separation for some time after, then foretells a mingling of the two later.

I think they are a form of human; they certainly had aesthetics ,but perhaps not as bright as we are. Can you see a direct reference in the Bible?

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