Evolution and humans: all over Africa (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Sunday, April 29, 2018, 16:51 (2328 days ago) @ dhw

dhw: QUESTION: After the final brain expansion, why was there such a long period of stasis (i.e. why did we live survival lives until recently)? Answer:

QUOTE: We know that 12,000 years ago marks the beginning of a revolution for humanity. This is when Earth’s climate entered a warm and unusually stable period known as the Holocene, which persists to this day. It seems likely that people have always tried to control and alter their environment, but with climatic stability such experiments were finally able to take off. Farming was born. And this had big implications for human evolution.

Your comment: During the past 12,000 years we really learned how to use our brains. We had been partially civilized; we had farmed food and lived above a survival existence which allowed us to really start thinking.

You quote the answer to the question you've been asking, comment approvingly on it, but when I point out that it answers the question you’ve been asking, you try to reject it!

Because I have a different spin on the interpretation of the facts. Your underlying theory is that at any level of human evolution new thought drives the enlargement of the brain in the next species. I am emphasizing the long pause in use of the brain after it enlarged as as answer to your favorite theory. God speciates is our difference. Your two drives, from your Darwin background is survival and improvement. I agree about improvement and I call it complexity, but our brain was not needed for survival. That is obvious from the history of other primates. Survival is the tautology of Darwin theory.

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