dhw: Evolution and humans: Neanderthal lungs larger (Evolution)

by dhw, Wednesday, November 21, 2018, 09:48 (2075 days ago) @ David Turell

DAVID: You keep deliberately skipping over the composition of econiches which are delicately balanced to provide food for all. The spider webs are part of that balance, nothing more. The link is in the energy supply and you know it.

dhw: The link to what? All econiches supply food for all until they do not supply food for all, and then the econiche changes into another econiche. Every form of life is part of every econiche. Nothing whatsoever to do with your belief that 50,000 spider webs were specially designed as “stepping stones” to humans! There is no link, and you know it, which is why you keep telling us that your God’s logic is not ours.

DAVID: I'll repeat the link: to evolve humans took 3.5+ billion years. The econiches provided the food supply for life to have energy for all those years.

Two separate statements without a link! Econiches have provided food for all forms of life from the beginning to the present. That does not mean that every econiche was specially designed as a “stepping stone” (your delightful metaphor) to the production of humans.

DAVID: Food supply is required. Each niche is in delicate balance, as I have shown with many articles. The webs solve a requirement for that balance in specific niches. It does not require God's logic to understand the point.

Of course not. It is perfectly logical to say that every form of life extant and extinct lives/lived in a delicately balanced econiche, and spider webs are part of the balance of their particular niches. And if every spider was wiped out, there would be a different balance and a different econiche. How does that make 50,000 spider webs a “stepping stone” to humans?

DAVID: I've not invented anything illogical. Humans are an illogical supreme endpoint, but here we are. I can see purpose. Your position doesn't allow for a recognition of purpose.

I hope that by "illogical" you are now agreeing that there is no logic in regarding 50,000 spider webs or other unrelated forms of life, lifestyle or natural wonder extant or extant as “stepping stones” to humans. Whether we are an endpoint of any kind is something that will only become apparent in the next few billion years, which you and I won’t be around to see. And finally, you keep emphasizing (theistic) purpose, but the moment I challenge your idea of (theistic) purpose and suggest a different (theistic) purpose, you complain (a) that I don't see purpose, or (b) that my (theistic) purpose – which you agree fits in logically with the history of life - requires reading God’s mind, whereas your (theistic) purpose – which leads to an illogical endpoint – requires your God’s mind to have a different logic from ours. Your reading of God’s mind apparently extends to the fixed belief that by human standards it is illogical.

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