Cell response to electric field (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Monday, April 15, 2013, 15:47 (4039 days ago) @ dhw

> dhw: This is a lovely post, and an ingenious response. Indeed if my "intelligent energy" or your "conscious energy" existed, they would both solve the problem equally well, but alas they are not one and the same.-I think you are trying to 'butter me up'.But I remain alert to pounce. You are right, not the same, your amorphous 'intelligent energy' is a weak sister.
> FRANK: "Everything is "made out of" God.
> dhw:I'm not sure to what extent you can go along with this, but my own hypothesis follows the same pattern, except that it doesn't require Frank's God!-No it doesn't follow Frank, because he starts with the organized energy of God, that can think plan and create. You start with an idea that has both feet planted firmly in mid-air! Use the universe as a pattern. Plasma of quantum particles coalescing into the material physical universe we see today. The universe is organized, planned and follows a large number of laws that allow life, but I fail to note the large universal brain discovered by the Hubble. My universal consciousness is not at a material level. Your theory requires God, you just don't realize it. Amorphous energy cannot plan, and cannot organize to reach the thought patterns that Frank describes in his next quote.--> 
> According to Frank: "As for the origin of consciousness, Griffin has an answer, stemming from Whitehead, that I think is unassailable. Experience "goes all the way down" to the fundamental particles. In the fundamental particles, it is just "minimally there." It is manifest for example when one particle encounters another and there is a mutual reaction or transformation. They are "experiencing" each other. Problems only arise when you assume that experience suddenly emerges at some level of complexity from no precursors."-Exactly my thoughts in the bold.
> dhw: It's worth pointing out that A.N. Whitehead, the shining light of process theology, believed in panexperientialism (a variation of panpsychism). In my hypothesis, matter contains "particles" of the energy that formed it, and this energy's "experience" of matter (through endless encounters, reactions and transformations) brings about the first glimmerings of consciousness from which eventually everything else evolves.-Nerve cells are the basis of the consciousness 'receiver' kind of like your home radio, in current quantum theory of consciousness. So to have your pansychic theory, your matter some how or other invented DNA which then had the attributes to figure out how to make a neuron after almost 3 billion years of simple life as life entered the Cambrian era. Sounds like chance and natural selection to me, the part of Darwminism you have left behind.

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