Cell response to electric field (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 15:12 (4038 days ago) @ dhw

> dhw:So God preprogrammed the first living organisms in such a way that through zillions of generations they would pass on the ability to invent DNA automatically, when millions of years later by sheer good fortune environmental conditions triggered his heritable DNA-inventing programme. Then 3 billion or so years later their descendants were able to invent neurons automatically, when by sheer good fortune the Cambrian era presented environmental conditions that triggered his heritable neuron-inventing programme. In fact, every single innovation was preprogrammed right from the start (um...except for non-preprogrammed byproducts like the flycatcher), to be triggered by a lucky break in the weather. And that, boys and girls, is how God turned bacteria into humans. Sounds like chance and Hans Andersen to me, the parts of Darwinism and fairy tales you have left behind.-I have preserved this paragraph of yours because with a few misconceptions it is right on! The bolded area must be corrected. Evolution is not fully pre-programmed. The preprogramming in the first sentence, italicised, is correct. DNA has been given the ability to invent. We now call that aspect epigenetics, but it not yet fully understood or appreciated. But as you so clearly point out, inventions like the flycatcher are quite striking in their inventiveness, but they are not a real contribution to the mainline of evolution, just part of the bush. The main thrust of evolution is to evolve humans. The program was highly successful. We are here. -There is a retrospective type of proof taken right from the Darwinist obsession with 'fitness' an arcane form of mathematical masterbation. Bacteria are extremely fit. They live in every extreme environment invented by the Earth. Why bother to advance to multicellular forms with nuclei and all sorts of organs and the willingness to die? Bacteria don't die, but continuously multiply.-To continue the proof I offer, the primates were semi-upright so they had some use of their hands, had great mobililty through the trees, and were safe from the ground-dwelling kings of the jungle, lions and tigers. A very fit design. Why bother, then, to make complete uprightness which caused ground dwelling and danger. That requirement for cunning to survive developed a great brain for planning. Lots of bother. They should have stayed in the trees. In fact there is a 'bottleneck' in hominin development when it is theorized from genetics that only a large handful of humanoids survived, but these few made it past that point and a bush of hominins appeared. That thrust of so many forms is confusing. We are still not sure our exact line of descent.-Conclusion we had no 'fitness' need to leave the trees (per Darwin) and then we had our own bush of development, until the best form appered and knocked out the others.-Conclusion: DNA was present in the very first fully developed living prokaryotes, single-celled and still here, the largest bio-mass on Earth. Inventive DNA was programmed to respond very cleverly to challenges creating evolutonary advances, in large jumps, not Darwin's gradualism. We still don't understand the jumps, but that is why science is fun. We still have much to learn, and I predict our learning will confirm my theory about the control of evolution as arrange by God. I am a good predictor. In my last book 
I predicted the newly discovered complexity of the genome, and said it will prove God beyond a reasonable doubt. Science is doing that now and will continue into the future. An inexorable tide of knowledge overwhelming Darwin and the atheists. This is not a Grimm fairytale!

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