Innovation; Just for dhw (Introduction)

by dhw, Friday, December 18, 2015, 20:17 (3062 days ago) @ David Turell

dhw: Once again, my thanks not only for these articles but also for the intellectual integrity with which you have posted them, since you knew I would use them to support my own hypothesis.-David: Thank you. There is obviously a drive for improvement and complexity. It is built-in. I've thought so all along during my research. I view it as another form of God-given information supplied at the origin of life.-We share the concept of a built-in drive for improvement and complexity, but what you call ”God-given information supplied at the origin of life” is what I have suggested is AUTONOMOUS INTELLIGENCE, whereas you have suggested that it is divine preprogramming or personal intervention. Despite your attempts to blur the borders (“I've agreed to an inventive mechanism within limits of guidelines”), you confirmed only last Monday:”Of course he either dabbled or pre-planned. My dilemma has the usual two horns!” I just wish you would add a third.-Under “Animal Minds”:
dhw: You constantly emphasize that we are different in kind, but what you cannot contemplate is that other organisms may have one form of intelligence that is actually superior to our own. -DAVID: And what is that superior intelligence you are postulating?
The intelligence to reinvent themselves internally (innovations) and to invent externally (weird lifestyles and certain natural wonders) so that they can adapt to or exploit environmental conditions. We humans can invent externally, but we cannot design a machine that can autonomously replicate itself, repair itself, adapt to all sorts of environments, and change itself into new forms as and when conditions allow, which is the province of cells/cell communities. You know all this, because you quite rightly emphasize that such intelligence could hardly be the product of chance, but you refuse to contemplate the possibility that your God might have created it! For you, every single act of cellular intelligence must have been preprogrammed (or personally “guided”) by your God, as in this response:
DAVID: Simple God programmed in the kind of information/instructions that handle it.-A simple 3.8-billion-year-old programme inserted into the first cells to organize the history of evolution from bacteria to humans? Is that really simpler than a single invention that can diversify?

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